Final Reflection on Project (Isaak)
From start to finish this project was fun and intriguing, figuring out how I was going to cut the tiles and going through many ideas to ultimately decide on one, sanding for hours to get the sides just right, all taught me good wood working skills and a great deal of patience. I feel like I could make another wooden creation on my own. Looking back on my project there are definitely things I would do differently. I would be a lot more careful with the CA glue so I wouldn't get any of it to seep on to the tope of the tiles which was very very hard to wipe off and some would not. That CA glue is the reason for my other thing I would have done differently. I should have been more careful with the Dremel when attempting to get rid of the glue because it started to burn the tiles. Finally I should have double checked the spacing and alignment of the tiles before gluing them on. I also was challenged with the frame and the precision that had to go into it, that was my greatest challenge because I cut one side too short just barely I had to remake the frame. I was face with the dilemma of either make the frame smaller or start over if I made it smaller in my opinion the board would not look as good so I chose to start over from scratch and it worked out. I am very proud of the design and how it slopes down and the fame has nice angles on it that add to the sloping style of the board.
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