Day 1: Intro to wood working (Nate)
What did you do today? Today in woodworking, we started off by learning the basics about wood and how it is processed, cut, and made. Then we started learning about some of the tools we were gonna use such as the router, table saw, and jointer. Then we started deciding what our project was going to be and I decided on making a small pet house. After that, we put each got a piece of wood and used all the machines that we learned about to cut it to specific measurements. Then at the end of the day, we kept brainstorming our projects then worked on our blogs. What did you learn? Today I learned about the different types of wood, the importance of how you treat wood, how to use a table saw, jointer, and router, and how to cut the wood. What was a challenge you encountered? It was harder than I expected to keep the piece of wood still while passing over the joint because the jointer caused a lot of vibrations and it was hard to keep it steady. Preview of tomorrow Tomorrow I am going to fina...
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