Day 5: The Sanding, The Scrubbing and The Epoxy (Isaak)

 Coming in to this day with my wood all cut and glued together and knowing what to do but not how to do it brought a sense of a finale however I was dead wrong. The epoxy that I used to hold the tiles together got on the top of the tiles making the finisher highlight the spills and would make my piece look bad so, I couldn't let that happen. So I started off with sanding the spills, I chose a more course sand paper to hopefully get rid of the epoxy I eventually mixed it with a glue/epoxy remover chemical and that was working I went with a different approach using the dremil at first when combined with the remover was working well very well however if I wasn't careful it would burn the wood and was hard to reach in the corners between tiles because I chose to have the board slope. It is still not done and needs to be worked on but it is a lot better than this morning. 

The cube next to the board is a piece of cherry with the epoxy on it without sanding or scrubbing and the board is with scrubbing and sanding. 


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